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Grab these extras to complete your site!

Special one-time offer, only $79!
• Mini Sales/Opt-in Page (valued at $95) • Instagram Landing Page (valued at $49) • Canva Templates 10 x post + 10 x story (valued at $95)

Total value of $239

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($927.00)$927.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan (2x $465.00)2x $465.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Penelope Showit Website Template$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xPenelope Showit Website Template$0

All prices in USD

Daring DIYers are saying:

“The Penelope template I purchased from Emma Troy was honestly a dream come true! As a small business owner I couldn’t afford a full website redesign, but when I saw the possibilities of Showit and her template - I realised there was a way I could build my dream website for a lot cheaper than a website redesign.

I would recommend Emma and her templates to everyone who is wanting to build a new website”

Chelsea Berman
| Template User

“Emma, thank you thank you for creating this template - it honestly saved my life! It actually brought the vision that I’ve had for my business and my branding to a whole new level that I could have never achieved without your awesome template”

Katee Blizzard
| Template User

I’m absolutely loving the template, it’s honestly perfect for my biz! And Showit is super easy. Your video tutorials have been very helpful and you have everything clearly labelled which makes DIYing easy. Oh, and your design combines images, video and great animations which are all on point!"

Jess Harbison
| Template User

"Love your designs Emma, thanks for putting them out into the wild for the rest of us! The template design was awesome but also all of the content and structure - I've literally been enabling each section as I go and THAT has made it super valuable to me as a biz owner."

Peti Morgan
| Template User
